Two questions that can change your life from Daniel Pink on Vimeo.
I really liked this video. I might even share it with my students when I'm a teacher. It's important for teachers to inspire their students to greatness, to help them focus, and to help them develop critical thinking skills. Those are three concepts that really jumped out at me through this video. (I still don't know what my sentence is... I'll have to think about it.)
This student has a very organized PLE. My PLE includes usaonline and my PLN. It also includes my EDM 310 blog and my professional blog that I created with my friend Liz. I would be interested in doing things like this in my classroom. I would like my students to feel like they have the freedom to take responsibility for their classroom.
I completely agree with your statements on the PLE. I think it would be awesome to use them in classrooms and for fun activites.